This is as close as Mary will ever get to a bear. Sitting at the Denali visitor's center

Campground just north of Denali NP

Bears at a kill site feasting on a Carribou. Ranger says kill probably done by wolves and them stolen by the bears. Wolves will be back to reclaim once bears have feasted.

Weather in the park that day was a mess - mostly rain and cloudly all day.

road system allowed only buses - was gravel and narrow with plenty of sharp turns

group still had a good time in spite of the weather

Mt McKinley at southern viewpoint - about 50 miles to summit

Me and my girl enjoying the view and the warm sunny weather next day

Stopped in Talkeetna - found good fishing spot on Montanna Creek. Richard and I each caught a trout.

Lunch in Talkeetna

Mary and Elle looking for treasure in Montanna Creek

Looks like they found something. Wouldn't tell us how much.
"Mt McKinley at southern viewpoint - about 50 miles to summit" Amazing picture hope I get to see that one day!